Sunday, March 11, 2007

One week down, 21 to go!

Well, I made it through week one. Needless to say, as you can see by my lack of posting, it was extremely busy. I'll get some details up here shortly, but week two is starting in just a few hours, so I'm going to get some shut eye. If you've been here reading, I appreciate it, and will be sure to reward your patience shortly!


Anonymous said...

congrats on making it through your first week! i look forward to hearing all about it once you get some time. you know, in another 21 weeks :-)


Anonymous said...

Hey!! Heard you got your turnout gear...SHOW-OFF!!! Hope all is going well, good luck and all that (not that you need it) I passed the CPAT for "Monkey" Co., and I take a written for Baltimore Co. on my quest continues :) Maybe I need a blog :D Keep in touch...when you can.
much luv cuz***